ASD07 Autism Spectrum Disorder - Advocacy
Your role as a Direct Support Professional is to help individuals identify issues of concern and help them know when they are being treated unfairly. Your role also includes helping them solve these issues. This is called advocacy. In this module, you will explore ways to work with the individual to gather information related to a situation. You wi
LFS09 Frontline Leadership - Advocacy
Advocacy is an important skill for frontline supervisors. The frontline supervisor has the responsibility and opportunity to advocate for staff, for services that support individuals and for themselves. Recognizing one’s own advocacy skills and experience, teaching others how to be effective advocates and managing change that effective advocacy can
ASD11 Autism Spectrum Disorder - Health and Safety
This module on health and safety will introduce the basic concepts of nutrition, healthy life styles, symptoms and signs of illness, medication issues, responding to environmental emergencies, and basic good health practices. Health is not just the absence of disease; it is being in the best possible health physically, mentally, emotionally and spi
SU10 Substance Use and Addictive Disorders - Documentation
The purpose of this module is to define the process of and reasons for recording information in a defined format about supported individuals that helps communicate important information to others. The module also covers confidentiality, HIPAA, CFR-42 and stigma in documentation.
DD06 Developmental Disability - Supporting Skills Development
The purpose of this module is to demonstrate the importance of skill development and demonstrate your role in teaching individuals new skills that will help them realize their full potential and lead to a more independent life that can be challenging and satisfying. The module describes strategies and tools that you can use to assist you in this im