Asbestos Awareness
This training session is designed for employees who may contact or work near asbestos containing material (known as ACM), asbestos-containing building material (known as ACBM), or presumed asbestos-containing material (known as PACM), but do not disturb it as part of their normal work activities.
Reactive Chemicals
Chemical reactions can be extremely hazardous if they are not thoroughly understood and controlled. When intentional or unintentional reactions get out of control, they can result in fires, explosions, or releases of toxic fumes or gases. This session shows how to safely manage reactive chemicals to prevent accidents.
Hazardous Waste: Emergency Response--Generators and TSDFs
This slide show will focus on emergency response procedures required under EPA Regulation 40 CFR 265.16 and 40 CFR 262.34(a)(4) for personnel at large quantity generators (LQGs) and hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs). The slideshow also applies to small quantity generators (SQGs), though SQGs are not required
Safe Chemical Handling
We use many different chemicals in the workplace, but often these materials can be hazardous to health and safety unless we take proper precautions when handling them. This session will discuss the steps you can take to handle the materials you work with safely so that you can prevent accidents, injuries, and illness.
Hazardous Waste Container Management
When you have completed this training session, you will understand federal guidelines for container storage of hazardous waste at generating facilities; recognize and be ready to follow safe practices for managing hazardous waste containers; understand why it is important to segregate certain hazardous wastes; know what to look for in inspecting ha